Saturday, November 26, 2011


So... that thing at the end of my last post? Someone broke in....

I know who it is now, the police ot her. I called them... It was that girl... my friend I mentioned before...

What the fuck was her name? I could have sworn I wrote it here... I don't... I don't get it....

We were waiting for the cops. She was screaming, calling me a kidnapper; saying I stole her daughter. She must have been insane... I don't know.

But then the kid whispered something in her ear. She... blanked. She stopped screaming and just got this blank look on her face. The cops asked me her name... I couldn't tell them. They recognized her. They knew she was the woman from that murder, but they didn't know her name either.

I went through some questioning. They think she is behind the killings around here too. I came on here, looking for her name... but it isn't here....

I could have sworn I wrote it....

I don't get it...

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