Thursday, December 8, 2011

She's here.

I don't have much time....

She needs it, she needs my time. I need to take care of her....

The world is a scary place, so scary. So many things that can hurt her.....

I can't go outside, I can't let her outside. She could get a sunburn, or cancer, or attacked. I can't let that happen....

I have to go now.... I have to go find her....

Saturday, November 26, 2011


So... that thing at the end of my last post? Someone broke in....

I know who it is now, the police ot her. I called them... It was that girl... my friend I mentioned before...

What the fuck was her name? I could have sworn I wrote it here... I don't... I don't get it....

We were waiting for the cops. She was screaming, calling me a kidnapper; saying I stole her daughter. She must have been insane... I don't know.

But then the kid whispered something in her ear. She... blanked. She stopped screaming and just got this blank look on her face. The cops asked me her name... I couldn't tell them. They recognized her. They knew she was the woman from that murder, but they didn't know her name either.

I went through some questioning. They think she is behind the killings around here too. I came on here, looking for her name... but it isn't here....

I could have sworn I wrote it....

I don't get it...

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Cable is out again....

Couldn't pay it this month, so I just had them shut the cable off. Still get that Tower TV, which is enough. I mean, I went almost a year without any TV, I think I can mae due with one channel.

Huh, weird sounds. Wonder if one of the rat traps caught something.

Oh, yeah. Found this weird thing in my half-bath; like they had made a nest or something. All sorts of food and shiny cra

Oh shit, that was my front door!

Friday, November 18, 2011

Where in the nine blue hells...?

I swear, I ordered a pizza. I brought it in, set it on my counter, pay the guy, turn around, and the pizza is half gone. Box looked shredded or something....

I think I might have rats.... FML.

Oh shit... what if they bite her or something? Damn, fuck, shit... Gonna have to get some of those traps set up...

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Woke up really early...

So strange... it feels like it is much later in the day than it actually is... blah, weird...

I swear, you would think there was another person in my house... We've been going through food like crazy...

The kid found a tophat under my bed.... I don't remember owning a tophat....

Awwwwww but she looks so cute in it....

Monday, November 14, 2011

This is bullshit...

Been getting questioned by the fucking cops.

A family got murdered a couple houses down; completely mauled, like someone had taken a cabinet's worth of swords to them.

Then another one right next door to me, same deal. I'm a suspect, and they're trying to get me to give them the girl.

No fucking way.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Weird dream...

Everything I recorded just came out static... the channel must have some sort of block on it. /shrug

Anyway, the wierd pard is the dream I had last night. It was darkness, and I heard whispering in my ear. I opened my eyes, and saw another pair of dark, animalistic eyes staring back at me. One of them was strange, reflective, I saw my own face in it. Then I realized in was a monocle...

It was some weird hairy man-beast thing, crouched over me with knife-like fingers holding down  my arms. He whispered something before getting up. He walked over to my coatrack and grabbed a tophat I had never seen before, setting it on his head and leaving...

Little nameless turned from the TV and looked at me, and that is all I remember...

Wonder if it means anything...